
Session: Spring 2025
Chapter:  Milwaukee
Location:  Poplar Creek Greenfield
Time:  4:45pm - 6:45pm
Day:  Thursday
Starts:  02/27
Ages:  8 - 12
Tuition:  $255.00
Open Spots:  0

This class is full!


 It’s time to take your character from the screen to the  stage! Apply what you have learned from your love of Disney to drama scenes featuring your favorite Disney  movie characters. Experience firsthand what it’s like to block a scene, have strong stage presence, memorize  lines, and be part of an ensemble. Next stop is the stage! All students will present scenes at showcase using their  new skills. 

This class is currently full. If you are interested in registering for this class, please fill out the Class Waitlist Form and register for another class. If a spot opens up, the office will email you before moving the registration.


Amanda Franz

Amanda is a CYT Milwaukee alum, having performed in 20 shows and competed on their Milwaukee Improv, Project Voice, and Project Dance teams. Amanda is spirited and creative, and focuses on building character on and off the stage for her students as they grow into young adults, showing care and spreading wisdom both professionally and personally.


11530 West Layton Ave, Greenfield, WI 53228