
Session: Spring 2025
Chapter:  Kane
Location:  Church on The Rock, Huntley
Time:  7:00pm - 9:00pm
Day:  Monday
Starts:  02/17
Ages:  13 - 18
Tuition:  $255.00
Extra Fee:  $65.00 (Music Fest 2025)
Open Spots:  1


Please note:  This class is a two-session class and only available to those students that auditioned and were a part of the team in winter. No new students may register. Thank you!

Psalm 150 says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” That is exactly what we will do in this two-session audition class. Building on the foundation of singing as worship to the Giver of the gift, students will focus on vocal skills and abilities and be challenged with more difficult sight singing exercises, technique training, and musical comprehension. Students are expected to be able to hold their own parts and properly blend when singing in duets, trios, and small groups. More challenging pieces will be used and performed in this class. This advanced class is a wonderful opportunity for the serious vocalist!
 Register Now


Zackary Borrego

Zackary Borrego is a vocal student pursuing a bachelors degree at Moody Bible Institute. Being a student at CYT during his childhood, he is excited to now be back teaching and directing with the company that cultivated his love for music.


17N230 Manning Rd, Huntley, IL 60142